beach ultimate

Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments – Beach Ultimate

The summer season is almost here. If you live in a city with an access to the sea, you may notice some frisbee’s already flying around. In Types of Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments, I’ve mentioned Beach Ultimate but never got into details. This weekend my team is organising Beach Ultimate Championships. It’s a perfect moment to …

spirit fo the game

Spirit Of The Game in Ultimate Frisbee

So you know a bit about Ultimate Frisbee. It’s a bit wild and looks spectacular. Sort of Avengers Assemble meets American Ninja. Okay, that’s a bit of exaggeration. It’s Captain America playing not-American Football with 13 other Captain America’s minus the American Ninja thing!       Wait, someone should tell them to throw a pull …

throwing and catching in ultimate frisbee the basics

Throwing and Catching in Ultimate Frisbee – The Basics

If you know the basics of Ultimate, you already know that this team sport is easy to pick up. However, to play the game you need to practice two key skills: throwing and catching. Learning is not difficult. You’ll need: a frisbee and someone to teach you the basics. What throws and catches are the absolute …

10 Ultimate Frisbee Rules To Get You Started

The Ultimate Frisbee rules are quite extensive. As in any other sport, you can start playing right away and learn during the game. Your fellow players will be more than happy to help you learn the basics.  At the beginning, you just need to know 10 basic rules to get you started.