Introverted Ultimate turned one year at the beginning of October. Can you believe it? It’s been a challenging year in many ways. This blog has been quite a test subject and I’ve got my co-workers to blame. 😉 If it wasn’t for them I’d never start this. If it wasn’t for my team, I’d still wonder what I’m doing with this. So, let’s sum up this year!
Can you recall that thrill of starting a new project that you’re passionate about? Something you like and you have no idea where it’s going to take you? That’s what Introverted Ultimate was for me from the early beginnings. A journey into unknown. Ever since I can remember I was into writing (songs, poems, short stories). I rarely shared them with the world, but I guess sometimes it’s not as bad to unleash the chaos of your mind.
Before starting a blog you need to know what to write about. I had plenty of ideas: Marvel movies, Shakespeare and theatre stuff, Assassin’s Creed. Pro-fangirl here. But how about writing about something you’re a part of every day? Ultimate Frisbee seemed like the best option. I’m really into promoting this sport and raising awareness about it. It’s world’s best-kept secret. Can you imagine a world where Ultimate is more popular than football/soccer?
With a few goals in mind, I’ve started writing, made plans for the next months and…it worked out. Halfway. With time as a fleeting currency, it was really hard to post 4 posts a month as I’ve planned. One a month had to be enough.
Still, there are things I’m quite happy about and I here’s the summary:
Words are powerful, especially on the Internet. Google will tell you the truth about what people search for before they end up on your blog. The results are a mix of ultimate frisbee, INFJ and introvert related searches.
I’m happy that I ranked high with Ultimate Frisbee tips and throwing tips. It means it works! In case you’re wondering what’s all about INFJ, check out the personality types post and take the test. The search results show that I’ve written quite a lot about INFJ struggles. It seems this introvert was very angry the past year and there’s a monster on the loose!
Thanks for reading and all the feedback that I got this whole year. It’s motivating and inspiring. My team proved to be a great support system, so I’d like to thank you for being a constant inspiration. To think that I considered not telling anyone about this… 🙂
I hope you stick around to see what’s next! I’m always looking forward to hearing some feedback, tips, so feel free to message me.