aks zły ultimate frisbee introvert

Beyond the Disc: 10 Years of Ultimate Frisbee & the Introvert Within

Ultimate Frisbee became a significant part of my life – the moment I got to know the sport, it took my breath away (again, literally keeps happening). When I went to my first training, I didn’t think it’d become so important to me, and 10 years from that day, I’d make so many memories,friendships and gain various experiences. Lastly, I wouldn’t get to know myself and my limits or become who I am today.

Injury grieving introverted ultimate Photo Tomasz Seruga

Sidelined. Grieving through an injury

Grieving an injury, particularly for athletes, mirrors the loss of a loved one, involving five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Facing an Achilles injury, the author grapples with identity loss and the pressure to play. Recovery requires patience, self-care, and listening to one’s body to return stronger.

women's ultimate frisbee interview - play like a girl

Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Interview with Ghost (Alina Stechert) #PlayLikeAGirl – Part 1

In this new installment of Women’s Ultimate Frisbee interviews, meet Alina Stetchert, nicknamed Ghost! Have you ever wondered what happens when two introverts meet? It’s a conversation, which could be turned into a whole saga. To make it super short in Part 1, we talked about beginnings in Ultimate, team organization, coaching a Women’s team, and what it’s like to be a female player.

Dragon Cup Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournament

Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournament you won’t forget. The awakening of the Dragon (Cup).

An Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournament may sound like a thing of legends these days. After a competitive season, most players are most likely getting ready for their slumber off-season party at the gym. The championships seem like the last thing you can dream of before you part your ways with the green turf. But, it’s a lie, because in Poland we have a truly best-kept secret. Everyone who knows about it wants to get their spot on a long, long list of players.