They say that if you work in social media and content creation it should be so easy to just go with the flow and post away. Well, that depends on inspiration. The monthly interviews broke out from their scheduled routine. Good move? Bad move? Let me know. The last interview that you can read is 5 Questions With…Zoltán Erdősi. Feel free to catch up on some European Ultimate Championships 2019 controversy!
On August I’ve got an amazing chance to work with guys from at European Youth Ultimate Championships in Wrocław, Poland. It was a blast! The future of European Ultimate gathered in one place. One of those talents that you should pay attention to is Aurora Lešnik! The girl that defies gravity. She’s not afraid to fly. Check out the interview!
Name: Aurora Lešnik
Number: #15
Height: 175cm
Plays Ultimate Since: 2015
Team: Cosmo Maribor
Cutter/Handler: Both
Favourite throw: Low release backhands
Favourite type of the tournament: Championships
Favourite division: Women
Favourite thing outside of Ultimate: I like books and also Netflix

1. How did you first get into Ultimate Frisbee?
My friend introduced me to this precious sport.
2. What does this sport mean to you?
If I tell you frisbee community is my 2nd family, would that be enough?

3. At EYUC 2019 you played on u20 Women division. While watching the highlights and video we could see that there was a lot of emotions involved. What was the experience like for you and your team? What are your best memories of the time?
I have never experienced so many emotions in such a short period. Well, we knew that we have the best Slovenian u20 women so far, but we didn’t know how strong we actually are, so we expected the worst. Almost every win was surprising and filled with so many happy tears. Also, we lost 5 tough games on the universe so we left some tears of disappointment on fields too. I just loved all the celebrations, love and support and mental toughness that we shared with each other. I simply adore this team.

4. While playing Ultimate you give off a vibe of fearlessness – every disc is catchable, every D is possible. What’s your approach to every game that you play? What would be your advice for players in women divisions?
The thing is that I still see the moments that I could actually have had that disc and I feel frustrated at myself. So I think that I still contain fear in my blood. I try to clear my mind before the game (which way works best for u – I usually dance hard with teammates) and trust my skills. Of course, I’m not able to use that approach every time. My advice? The disc is golden.
5. While playing tournaments of different level (local, European, etc.) you’ve probably noticed that they differ in atmosphere, level of competitiveness and approach. What are the most difficult aspects of high-level tournaments compared to the local and national ones? Did you ever experience ultimate lose its fun factor in favour of competitiveness?
For sure there is a difference in the level of play and in pressure that you need to handle and eventually there comes more emotion and nerves are starting to kick in pretty hard. And also on bigger events, you represent much more than local ones. Also so much more learning opportunities from other amazing players, I love to study some players I like to learn from their qualities and mistakes. Well, loosing is never easy for me, that I admit. But on the long turn, it shows that I learned and remembered much more from losing than winning after all, especially if those losses were tight. Moreover, all the pain got to accept it, remember and not try to forget it!

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the interview. Youth Ultimate is the future and if you’ve seen the games played at EYUC, you probably know that those young players are not afraid of anything.
Are you up for more interviews? Let me know here on in the Facebook comments. 🙂
What’s your Ultimate Frisbee story? Would you like to share it? Feel free to message me on Introverted Ultimate or via email. I’ll get back to you with 5 Questions. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!