aks zły ultimate frisbee introvert

Beyond the Disc: 10 Years of Ultimate Frisbee & the Introvert Within

Ultimate Frisbee became a significant part of my life – the moment I got to know the sport, it took my breath away (again, literally keeps happening). When I went to my first training, I didn’t think it’d become so important to me, and 10 years from that day, I’d make so many memories,friendships and gain various experiences. Lastly, I wouldn’t get to know myself and my limits or become who I am today.

Injury grieving introverted ultimate Photo Tomasz Seruga

Sidelined. Grieving through an injury

Grieving an injury, particularly for athletes, mirrors the loss of a loved one, involving five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Facing an Achilles injury, the author grapples with identity loss and the pressure to play. Recovery requires patience, self-care, and listening to one’s body to return stronger.

8 Ultimate Frisbee Pick Up Lines For Valentine’s Day

The Valentine’s Day is one of those few occasions during the year where the people, streets, the Internet and pretty much everything around you goes mad. For love. It seems like everyone needs a plan for this day. It’s expected, it’s the standard. This year it conveniently falls on a Wednesday, which means it’s also just another training …

Ultimate Frisbee Gift Ideas

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For An Ultimate Frisbee Player

It’s the time of the year when you need to flex your brain muscles and come up with gift ideas for the Ultimate Frisbee player(s) in your life. Getting a present even for someone you know well can be a challenge. Some people love making presents and some…not so much. After all, it’s not that …