aks zły ultimate frisbee introvert

Beyond the Disc: 10 Years of Ultimate Frisbee & the Introvert Within

Ultimate Frisbee became a significant part of my life – the moment I got to know the sport, it took my breath away (again, literally keeps happening). When I went to my first training, I didn’t think it’d become so important to me, and 10 years from that day, I’d make so many memories,friendships and gain various experiences. Lastly, I wouldn’t get to know myself and my limits or become who I am today.

women's ultimate frisbee interview - play like a girl

Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Interview with Ghost (Alina Stechert) #PlayLikeAGirl – Part 1

In this new installment of Women’s Ultimate Frisbee interviews, meet Alina Stetchert, nicknamed Ghost! Have you ever wondered what happens when two introverts meet? It’s a conversation, which could be turned into a whole saga. To make it super short in Part 1, we talked about beginnings in Ultimate, team organization, coaching a Women’s team, and what it’s like to be a female player.

Women's Ultimate Frisbee Interview with Agata Smolarek

Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Interview with Agata Smolarek. #PlayLikeAGirl

Welcome to the second interview from the #PlayLikeAGirl series, which focuses on Women’s Ultimate Frisbee. The world needs more content on women-led sports and this series is just a small contribution. I hope that you’ll find different points of view, stories and perspectives helpful. Building a team is not an easy task. In Ultimate Frisbee there’s always a need for female players, especially if you aim to go to the Women’s Championships. Here’s a story of one such team and how’s it going.

Dragon Cup Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournament

Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournament you won’t forget. The awakening of the Dragon (Cup).

An Ultimate Frisbee Hat Tournament may sound like a thing of legends these days. After a competitive season, most players are most likely getting ready for their slumber off-season party at the gym. The championships seem like the last thing you can dream of before you part your ways with the green turf. But, it’s a lie, because in Poland we have a truly best-kept secret. Everyone who knows about it wants to get their spot on a long, long list of players.